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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hikaru no go

Энэ хүүхэлдэйн кино нь го даамчин хүүхдийн тухай гардаг ба энэ хүүхэлдэй гарснаас хойш япон төдийгүй дэлхийн олон улсын хүүхэд,залуучууд го даам тоглож эхэлсэн байна.Энэ хүүхэлдэйн киног үзснээр го даамны талаар маш ихийг мэдэж авах болно.Тэхлээр энэ хүүхэлдэйн киноны бүх ангийг эндээс
татаж аваарай.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Го даам Монголд

Эрьт цагт монголчуудын тоглодог байсан мигман хэмээх хөлөгт тоглоом бол энэхүү го даам мөн юм.1998 онд Японы Кобэ хотын иргэн Итано Ясүши Монголд жуулчлан ирж,ахмад дипломат Д.Жаргалсайхан ,С.Мөөмөө нартай уулзан,Монголд го даам хөгжүүлэх талаар ярилцжээ.Ингээд Д.Жаргалсайхан,С.Мөөмөө нар эдүгээ Ерөнхийлөгчийн тамгийн газарын албаны даргаар ажиллаж байгаа Д.Цэнджавын хамтаар "Монголын Го-гийн Холбоо" үүсгэн байгуулсан байна.Монголын Го-ийн холбоо төрийн бус байгуулгийн гэрчилгээг 2000 оны 3-р сард авч,албан ёсоор үйл ажиллагаагаа эхэлсэн бөгөөд Д.Цэнджав анхны тэргүүнээр нь ажиллаж эхэлжээ.Тэр үеэс дээрх Итано Ясүши гуай болон Олон улсын Го-гийн ажилтан Морита Сүмио нар Монголд го-г хөгжүүлэх талаар зүйл бүрээр тусалсан билээ.Мөн түүнчлэн Японы ЭСЯ -ны зөвлөх КиКүчи Минорү Монголын го даамчин хүүхдүүдэд нэг жилийн турш хичээл зааж байжээ.2000 оны зун Монгол Японы соёлын мянганы арга хэмжээний хүрээнд Япон сангийн шугамаар Японы мэргэжлийн го-гийн 9-р дантай Мияазава,5-р дантай Танпэй нарын мэргэжлийн го даамчид Монголд хүрэлцэн ирж,Монголын өсвөрийн го даамчдад зориулсан сургалт зохион байгуулсан билээ.2002 оноос эхлэн Д.Төмөрбаатар монголын го-гийн холбооны тэргүүнээр ажиллаж эхэлсэн ба 2003 оны 4-р сараас Японы ЖАЙКА байгууллагын шугмаар өндөр зэрэглэлийн багш Акэта Кацүюки хүрэлцэн ирж,2 жилийн хугацаатайгаар Монголын го даамчдад зориулсан сургалт эрчимтэй явуулж байжээ.Монголын го гийн холбоо 2003 онд ОЛон улсын го гийн холбооны 65 дахь гишүүнээр элсэж,2004 оноос эхлэн дэлхийн сонирхогчдын го-гийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнд оролцсоор иржээ.2003 оноос Оросын Го-гийн Холбоотой,2004 оноос Тайландын го-гийн холбоотой харилцаа тогтоосон байна.Анхны олон улсын тэмцээнд Монголоос Ц.Золжаргал 2004 оны 4-р сард Тайландад болсон Тоёота дэнсо компаний цомын төлөө тэмцээнд анх оролцсон байна.Монголын го даамчид олог улсын тэмцээнд тоглохдоо шинээр хөгжсөн улс гэхэд ур чадварын хувьд өндөр төвшинд тоглож байгаа нь мэргэжилтнүүдийн анхаарлыг инэд татсаар байна.Энэ нь Монголын го-гийн холбооны гадаад харилцаанд чухал нөлөө үзүүлж байна. read more...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Go tournament

Дэлхий дахинд го даамны маш олон тэмцээн болдог,мэдээж эдгээр тэмцээнүүдын гол дэлхий дахины анхаарлын төвд болдог тэмцээнүүд нь Japan,Korea,China,Taiwan гэх дэлхийд го даамаараа тэргүүлдэг 4 улсад болдог,Тэхлээр эдгээр тэмцээнүүдыг танилцуулъя,

Японы дотоодын тэмцээн

Хятадын дотоодын тэмцээн

  • Mingren RMB 50,000 (Big Title)
  • Tianyuan RMB 50,000 (Big Title)
  • CCTV Cup (Big Title)
  • Xinren Wang (new pros)
  • NEC Cup China RMB 200,000
  • Ahan Tongshan Cup (Chinese Agon Cup) (rapid) - about 15,000 Yuan
  • Liguang Cup (Ricoh Cup) 80, 000 Yuan - about $10, 000 (mainly invitational)
  • Yongda Cup?
  • Chang-ki Cup 400,000 Yuan
  • Quzhou-Lanke Cup 500,000 Yuan
  • Xinan Wang (West-South King)
  • China Weiqi League (Jinli Cup)
  • Female Mingren (ladies only)
  • Jiangqiao Cup (aka Xianye Cup) (ladies only) RMB 100,000

  • Солонгосын дотоодын тэмцээн

    Taiwanese дотоодын тэмцээн

    Олон улсын тэмцээн

    (2005 9 сарын байдлаар )


    What is pro gamer?

    Дэлхийд одоогоор 80 улсын 60 сая хүн го даамйг тоглож байгаа бөгөөд мэргэжлийн болон сонирхогч гэж 2 төрлөөр хөгжиж байна.ГО гийн тамирчид нь Хятад,Солонгос,Япон улсуудын мэргэжийн го гийн холбоодуудаас мэргэжлийн тамирчин гэсэн нэр хүндтэй цол хэргэмийг авдаг байна.Ихэнх го гийн мэргэжлийн тамирчид зөвхөн го тоглож амьдардаг .Гэвч цөөн тооны топ тамирчид л зөвхөн тэмцээнд оролцон мөнгө маш их олдог.Олон тооны мэргэжлийн тамирчид сонирхогчийн тамирчидад хичээн заана мөнгө олдог.Дэлхийд одоогоор хэдхэн зуухан мэргэжлийн тамирчид байдаг боловч сонирхогчийн хэдэн сая тамирчид мэргэжлийн болхийн төлөө го даамаар хичээллэж байна.

    Хэрхэн мэргэжлийн тамирчин болох вэ?
    Японд мэргэжлийн болхийн тулд эхлээд insei болох хэрэгтэй болдог ба жил бр авдаг insei нарийн тэмцээнд оролцон эхний байруудад орвол мэргэжлийн болдог байна.Энэ нь мэдээж маш хэцүү ба маш олон шалгууруудыг давж байж энэ тэмцээнд ордог.Японд жилд 5 гаруй insei нар л мэргэжлийн тамирчид болдог.Мэдээж жил болгон эмэгтэй insei нар мэргэжлийн болдог боловч цөөн тоон л болж чаддаг.Гэхдээ бас өөр нэг боломж нь шалгуурт тэнцэж чадаагүй ч тогтмол сайн тогловол мэргэжлийн тамирчин болж болдог байна.Хэрэв 3 жил дарааллан final-д үлдвэл мэргэжлийн тамирчин болдог.



    History of Go

    Ancient History

    Go is was invented more than 3000 years ago in China, though some think it was nearer 4000 years. In the beginning, the game had a close connection with the laws of nature, politics and economics, strategy and intelligence, and it was also a theocratic tool for the ancient emperors to rule society. The game is mentioned in the Analects of Confucius, the greatest ancient work of Chinese philosophy and ethics, written in the 6th century BC. It came to Japan about 1,500 years ago via the Korean peninsula, and became popular at the Japanese court among the Imperial family, the aristocracy and court ladies. It makes several appearances in the 11th century masterpiece "The Tale of Genji", often described as the world's first novel. Later, it spread to the warrior classes and the Buddhist priesthood and eventually flourished throughout the country.

    Japan 1600-1868

    The game of Go made its most significant development during the Edo period (1603-1868). The central figure was the first head of the Honinbo school, Sansa (1559-1623), who taught the three warlords who ruled Japan during his lifetime, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu. Sansa became the head of the state Go Academy (Godokoro) and established the system of hereditary Go schools. The head of the four Go schools (Honinbo, Yasui, Inoue, Hayashi) would compete for the honor of their schools in games played at Edo Castle in the presence of the Shogun. Many great players, such as Dosaku, Jowa and Shusaku, appeared during the Edo period. State support of Go, in the form of stipends for professional players, made possible great advances in the level of Go skills and theory during the Edo period, and this laid the basis for the modern prosperity of the game.

    Japan: the Modern Era

    After modernization and westernization began in the Meiji period (1868-1912), various new Go organizations appeared. Stimulated by the advances in Go technique in Japan, the game started to enjoy a revival in China, its original homeland. Also, during the Meiji period, Westerners visiting Japan learnt the game and began to teach it in Europe and America.
    In 1924, the different Go organizations in Japan combined to form the Nihon Ki-in or the Japan Go Association. This is still the main Go body in Japan; it promotes the playing of professional and amateur Go among people of all ages in Japan and around the world. The game first became strongly established in the 1920s and 1930s in the U.S. and in Europe. One result was the founding of the European Go Championship in 1938, a tournament which remains today the most important European tournament. Today numerous tournaments are held throughout the year in many countries throughout the world, including those held by the Iberoamerican Go Federation, in Canada, Australia or elsewhere. Most prominent are the European Go Congress (held in a different European country each year) and the American Go Congress.

    International Events

    The history of international tournaments on a worldwide basis begins with the holding of the 1st World Amateur Go Championship in 1979 in Tokyo. Only 15 countries participated in the 1st championship, but the number increased steadily, reaching 29 in 1982. These 29 countries became the initial members of the International Go Federation (IGF), which was officially founded on 18th March 1982. The IGF has now expanded to more than 71 members.

    Go in Korea

    Go (known in Korea as Baduk) was transmitted to Korea before it came to Japan, but, unlike the latter, Korea did not establish a professional system until after World War II. The founding father of Korean Go is Cho Nam-chul 9-dan (born in 1923). Cho came to Japan in 1937 to become a disciple of Kitani Minoru and he returned home in 1943. Cho founded the Hanguk Kiwon (Korean Go Association) in September 1955. By the turn of the century, the number of professional players who were members had increased to around 170; they competed for prize money in around 15 tournaments sponsored by newspapers and other organizations.

    By the 1980s, Korean Go had caught up with Japanese Go, so this practice of studying in Japan became rarer. The top Korean player of the 80s was Cho Hun-hyun, who holds the Korean record for most titles won. In the 90s, he yielded the top place to his disciple, Yi Chang-ho, who is one of the greatest plPayers in the history of Go. Korean Go really came into its own in the 90s, with the establishment of a number of international tournaments. Players such as Cho and Yi and also Yu Chang-hyeok began to dominate the international scene, with the result that Korea has taken the lion's share of international victories. Thanks to their successes, Go has become very popular in Korea, especially among children, and today it is estimated that one in four Koreans knows how to play the game, the highest degree of popularity in the world.

    Go in China

    The game of Go was invented in China where it is known as Wei Qi. At the beginning of the modern era (beginning of the 20th century), Go was at a low ebb in China because of the state of political disunity. However, the greatest player of the 20th century, Go Seigen, was born in China in 1914; he went to Japan in 1928 and in the middle of the century dominated Japanese Go.

    After the Communist revolution in 1949, the government promoted Go as an intellectual sport. In the 1960s, a series of Go exchanges with Japan began, with teams from each country touring the other in alternate years. The series was suspended during the Cultural Revolution, but was resumed in 1972. Chinese players improved rapidly and in the 1980s they won a majority of their games with Japanese players in Japan-China international matches, thus confirming that China had become established as one of the top three Go-playing countries. These days Go has become extremely popular in China, which probably has the biggest Go-playing population of any country, and many strong young players are emerging.

    Saturday, November 29, 2008


    The game is played on a grid of 19x19 points. The color of a point is black, white, or empty. One player uses black, another white. The start is on the empty grid by black. A black / white point is surrounded if no leaving path reaches empty first after black / white; an empty point is surrounded by black / white if any leaving path reaches black / white first after empty. A move of a player colors an empty point his color, then empties all surrounded points of the opponent's color, then empties all surrounded points of the own color. A pass does not color. The end is two successive passes.
    How to play
